Discover Public Art on a Walk Around Cannon Beach.

Tufted Puffins Sculpture

Tuffed Puffins Sculpture in Cannon Beach

It only takes a walk around charming Cannon Beach to understand why this special village is known as one of America’s 100 Top Art Towns.

Review a gallery walking route that will guide you to the top galleries, featuring works by nationally known artists, top emerging Northwest talent, and even a working glass-blowing studio.

However, you can also explore some of the wonderful public art that certainly underscores the town’s reputation.   You can download a map of the 1.5 walk that starts at the corner of Spruce and 2nd streets.

Seven Notable Art Installations and More

You can visit seven notable installations along the public art walk route. Several other fountains, sculptures, and murals are visible too.  As a matter of fact, many architectural details and colorful flowers make the walk even more visually enjoyable.

North End

Begin starting near public parking and a rest area at the north end of town.

  • The Wave  This stainless-steel installation depicts a modern interpretation of rolling waves. Created by Sharon Warman Agnor,  you’ll see the Wave at the start of the walking tour.    Additionally,  you can also take note of architectural details at the town’s information center.  Look up to see an osprey nest, jellyfish lamps and downspouts that pay homage to Native American art.
  • Whale Ribs Weather-rusted metal ribs with circular glass insets represent Whale Ribs.   Nick Thomas Design Studio created this creative installation. You’ll see it lining the sidewalk one block north, in front of a small public parking lot at 3rd Street.
  • Welcome Pole   Afterward, head to the north and walk along the Bark Trail at the edge of Ecola Creek.  There,  experience a wooden sculpture inspired by the original Clatsop-Nehalem tribe that lived there in a village called NeCus when   Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery passed this way in 1806.  Native American artist Guy Capoeman created the work.

Along the Beachfront

  • Whale Sculpture is located in a small park at the end of town. This sleek bronze sculpture commemorates a visit to the area by Lewis and Clark where they reportedly encountered a washed-ashore whale. You’ll see it in a plaza area not far from Bruce’s Candy Kitchen.

Center of Town

  • Delicate Balance is undoubtedly charming.  This whimsical and colorful sculpture features curiously stacked chickens and eggs.  Created by sculptor Wayne Chabre, you can experience it resting across the street from the Coaster Theatre.


  • Tufted Puffins celebrates the beloved seabirds that return to Haystack Rock each spring. Northwest sculptor Georgia Gerber created the charming installation. You’ll find it at the corner of Gower and Hemlook.
  • Contact represents two figures reaching toward each other.  In fact, the sculpture is a cut steel bright orange bench. Lastly, you can see it a block south and west of Tufted Puffins.

Book your stay today

Cannon Beach is a magical destination year-round.   Tolovana Inn is the ideal place to unwind. Our beachfront resort features a range of accommodations. Options include two-bedroom suites and oceanfront studios. Before booking your stay, visit to learn more about what you can expect out of your stay. Check out our on-site amenities or ways to save.



  • Northwest By Northwest Gallery is celebrating their 37th year in Cannon Beach Oregon.
    Featured sculptors include noted Bronze Sculptor , Georgia Gerber . For the Public Art Program, Sculpture Without Walls, Gerber’s Tufted Puffins won the Public Choice Vote.
    Cannon Beach is the “Best Place on the West Coats to see Tufted Puffins”.

    NW By NW GALLERY represents American Masters who are regional and local artists. Local sculptor Ivan McLean just had a sculpture pictured in the NY Times . His signature works, “Sphere” and “Re-Invention” are in the NW By NW GALLERY
    Sculpture Garden welcoming visitors to the noted gallery. The spacious gallery is located in a recycled Fire Station.
    Stone Sculptor Dave Haslett, from home to monumental sculpture.
    Oregon’s Master of Fine Art Film Photography , Christopher Burkett is featured . Burkett’s Fine Art Film Photographs have been featured on the PBS NewsWeekend program shown internationally.
    Painters include Laura O’Brien “Imaginary Neighborhoods”, Hazel Schlesinger Plein Air Oil Paintings, Heather Adamek
    Contemporary Abstract Paintings. Kent Suter Oil Paintings . Amusing Surrealism Paintings of Haystack Rock.
    Don Stastny is a local painter and Bronze Sculptor who honors those who came before us. Stastny is an architect known for The Warm Springs Museum, US Embassy in London UK and the Bandon Dunes Golf Resort.
    Ceramics by Earth & Ocean are featured. NW Glass Masters include Angelita Surmon , Kiln Formed Glass Paintings .
    Historic Glass of Ruth Brockmann.
    NW By NW GALLERY has been featured on the European Travel Channel. Numerous Oregon Art Beat,( OPB TV) programs.

    Favorite quote “More people visit Art Galleries and Museums than all sporting events put together” . The NY Times

    Northwest By Northwest Gallery
    232 N Spruce
    Cannon Beach, Oregon

    Our neighbors the Chocolate Cafe

  • The naturalist traveler and art traveler are one and the same. They are respectful tourists .

    open daily 11 to 5 plus with a phone call.

    Services include small professional art groups. Joyce Lincoln published the first Oregon Wine Touring Map.
    NW Wine tastings and professional wine facilitators are available for a small fee.

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